Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Goal Met!

The scale this morning reflected a total of 11 lbs down. That marks off another mini goal that I had of losing 10 lbs. My new goal is to be down a total of 17.8 lbs which will put m at 10% of my starting body weight.

I have been doing pretty well on the eating front. A stressful situation has come about that makes it difficult for me to eat anything. I hope when this shit storm is over that I don't gain back. Maybe this will shrink my stomach even more so I won't need to eat as much.

I have decided to start working out in February. We have a small gym at the office that I am going to take advantage of. I will start out slow on the recumbent bike and work myself up to the treadmill and elliptical. I don't want to go in balls blazing because every time I do that I end up taking out my back. So starting on Monday, I will have my work-out clothes with me hoping to burn a few extra calories.

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